Saturday, December 16, 2006

Brazilian and South America’s Sacred Geography

Doorway to Agartha

"I bid you welcome to our domain, Admiral." I see a man with delicate features and with the etching of years upon his face. He is seated at a long table. He motions me to sit down in one of the chairs. After I am seated, he places his fingertips together and smiles. He speaks softly again, and conveys the following. "We have let you enter here because you are of noble character and well-known on the Surface World, Admiral."
"Surface World," I half-gasp under my breath! "Yes," the Master replies with a smile, "you are in the domain of the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth

Thousands of people on the Planet believe in the existence of a spiritually advanced civilization that inhabit a Underground or Inner World of the Earth. This old civilization is connected to the higher purposes of the Secret Government of the World and the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters who are the true guides and spiritual teachers of humanity. Agartha is the name of this world and Shambala is one of the cities of this world of light. Acording to some esoteric traditions, there are seven entrances to Agartha in different parts of the Planet. Of these seven entrances, three are close to us in Brazil.
Iguassu Falls is one of them. The second entrance to the world of Agartha is Mato Grosso. The third is in Manaus. Iguassu Falls, for this book, Y-guassu, the Source of the Creative Mist, is the entrance that can be identified more easily. What today Brazilians call Mato Grosso has been divided into two different states of the Brazilain federation (Mato Grosso and Southern Mato Grosso). But the Mato Grosso of Agartha may either correspond to this political Mato Grosso or go beyond it and include areas of neighboring states that we now call Goiás, Tocantns and parts of Rondônia (it is worth mentining that what the Portuguese called Mato Grosso or Thick Wood was in fact the Amazonian forest in the State of Rondonia. Thick wood is synonimous to jungle).

It does not take much to find that these extensive region called Mato Grosso is magical. Beginning from today’s State of Southern Mato Grosso, the underground (subsolo) is a province of caves. The extended Mato Grosso is a region of mysteries, legends, apparitions and where one finds and abundance of groups that endeavor in the cult of these phenomena. Some of these caves are well known and are explored by the tourism industry like those located on the Bodoquena Mount Range where the cities of Bonito, Jardim, Bodoquena and Guia Lopes da Fronteira are to be found. Some other caves have been explored by more aggressive industries like cement entreprises or even iron ore and manganese mining taking place on the Urucum Mountain Range and Serra dos Carajás (Mountan Range). Who knows whether this extended Mato Grosso might not contain one but several entrances to Agartha?

The same thing may be happening with Manaus. The Manaus of Agartha may not be reduced to present day’s limit of the City of Manaus. It might also include part or the whole of the State of Roraima where the enchanted Roraima, Guiana and Tepui geological formations and geographical provinces known collectively as the Guianan Plateau keep inspiring people from all over the world. These area is under the sovereignty of Brazil, Guyana, Surinam and Venezuela and also part of French Guiana. The Manaus of Agartha may include the whole of the mysterious region of many rivers known as Amazonia – where there is no shortage of legends and myths about lost cities, underground and underwater civilizations.

The legend of the pink dolphin seems to be one such “remembrance”. In the popular imagination, the pink dolphins are a breed of people who live in the bottom of the Amazon River and other rivers of this extended “Manaus”. This has been the only for this dolphin-people to have survived some great cataclysm to have happened a lon, long time ago. The dolphins need to come to te surface, now and then, and get mixe with the people. Generally the encounter ends in a kind of abduction or kidnapping. These abductions are necessary for breeding purposes. Local people say that weekend parties in local, far away river jungle communities close to a major river, are the dolphins mostly chosen places for their love abductions. It is saiad that dolphin-people shows up as a well clad, charming man who will attract girls to dance, conquer their hearts and then fades away.

To avoid the tragedy. Jungle-river dwellers will be suspiscious of people who show up as if they had fallen from heaven. One of the techniques used by Amazonians to determine whether newcomers are people or dolphins is to find a way remove the cap or hat. They are searching the only hing a dolphin can not hide: the blowhole, used to breathe. In Amazon modern legends there are many true stories of German, English and Russian tourists being denied the Amazonian hospitality specially after a prolongued stay under the sun. For the natives to close their doorless houses to travelers there must be a good justification and that is: there is a big possibility that pink people be a pink dolphin under the desguise of a tourists. Is the underwater pink-dolphin communinty a remembrance of Agartha?

The legends that denounce the existence of underground world also prevail in the cosmogony and cosmovisin of several Brazilian Indian peoples. Many saying that the is hollow just like the Agartha efenders say. Iguassu Falls, the Y-Guassu Source of the Creative Mist is to all practical reasons, a doorway to Agartha. The entrance to Agartha through Y-guassu is through that place that in a very weird way has been baptized as “Devil’s Throat”.

It is very sad indeed that such a name has been given to such beautful and uncommon portal that leads to Agartha and to call to human consciousness and to those that are watching from the cneter of the Earth the progress of humanity on the surface to destruction and self- anihilation. This is one more of the thngs that must “remembered” by those who come to the Y-guassu Source of the Creative Mist and see Y-guassu as a World Sacred Place of Peace and Power.

But Iguassu Falls are not only “gates” or doors. They are a portal that opens up to other dimensions. It is what also happens with Mount Shasta, Lake Titicaca, Uluro Kattjuta, Glastonbury and Avalon, the Great Pyramid, the Kuh-e-Malik Siah and with the most sacred Mount Kailash. It is also what happens in thousand other places on the Planet. These portals connects the communities in the dimension we live, to temples, or cathedrals, cities of light all connected to the spiritual hierarchy. The heart of this portal, at Y-guassu – The Source of Creative Mist is today wrongly called by “that name”. It is made up of crystals, immense crystals that form the center of energy that can be seen by any person that lies back and allows himself or herself to see.

Seen through these new eyes of multidimensionality in this world with boundaries between what can be seen and what can not, we notice that from Y-guaçu to Brasilia, from Brasilia to the Titicaca, fromthe Titicaca to Manaus, from Y-guassu to Santiago, to Cordoba, Mendoza, Salta and Jujuy and from these places to thousands of other places on the South American continent and beyond, everything is energetically connected. The problem lies on being able to separate the reductionist Western way of seeing to the other many possibilties to see.

Let us take Brasilia as an example. For most Brazilians who are tired of political manipulations, Brasilia is nothing more than a National Corruption Center out of where the suffering of the Brazilian people is duly officialized. But the land where Braslia was built has nothing to do with this patological tendency of the civilization built upon it. Brasilia lies on the central Brazilian plateau, on the Brazilian geodesical center, place whose natural energies are those pointing to ascension. That is one of the reasons why there are so many temples of all religions in the Brazilian capital and neighboring cities. They are temples open to all religions like the pyramid-shaped Temple of the Good Will, the Eclectic City, the Valley of Dawn and holistic movements like the City of Peace with its University of Peace (Unipaz). Even the foundation stone of the city dedicated in 1922, was placed on a place that is known nationally as The Heart Chacra of Brazil.

What causes admiration in Brasilia is not only its modern and planned architecture but it is rather its history conected to a “reocurring dream”. It is possible that Brasilia is the most dreamed city in the world. Literally a city built by dreams. Brasilia’s inauguratin happened in 1960. It has won political autmomy only in 1990 but has been occupying spaces in the heads of Brazilians since 1750. It was around this year that cartographer Francisco Tossi pointed the area where Brasilia is today as the appropriate area to serve as the future capital of the country. Even the name Brasilia has a longer history than the administration of president Juscelino Kubitschek. The name Brasilia proposed by the first time in 1823 by Brazilian congressman and member of the Constitutive Assembly, José Bonifácio. It is interesting here to highlight that the idea of Brasilia predates the idea of Brazil, at least as a republic what happened only in 1889.

The dream of Brasilia is literally a dream and goes beyond national borders. One of the thngs that Brasilia schoolchildren learn is about the dream of Don Giovani Bosco, today a Catholic Saint, fonder of the Society of Saint Francis of Sales, whose members are called Salesian priets. Don Bosco dreamed that of a new civilization that was supposed to be born in a city to be constructed between the 15th and 20th degrees latitude South. About the vision seen in his prophetical dream, the priest himself wrote: “I could see inside the depths of the mountains and of the indentations of the plains. I had under my eyes the incomparable wealth of these countries which will some day be discovered”.

President Juscelino Kubistchek’s great deed was to materialize the dream. To make it come true. Today Brasilia is a World Heritage Site by the Unesco-led Convention for the preservation of cutural and natural heritage sites throughout the world. Even though the Brazilian dream like the dream of most of the peoples of the Earth, are somewhat buried by tons of moral debris and injustice, Brasilia is special. It has been built on sacred land and has a sacred mission. Somewhere down below the present day surface city of Brasília, lies the underground city of Posid. There lives, it is believed, survivors of the land of Atlantis.

We can notice that the concept of underground cities connected to sacred places is common worldwide. Secret entrances to Agartha, Shamballa and other places are described by many traditions in several locations in India, Tibet, Mogolia, China and many others. Mount Shasta also houses a subterranean world connected to the continent of Lemuria

Another legend says that when Lemuria was sinking, Aramu Muru, one of the seven masters of the continent and that today lives in the subterranean city under Mount Shasta, received the mission to transport the Golden Solar Disc from the Temple of Illumination to Lake Titicaca. During the Inca rule times, the Golden Solar Disc was transferred to Cuzco and placed at the Qorikancha – the main Temple of the Sun, where it remained until the arrival of the Spanish. With the immediate danger, the Disc was taken back to Paititi – the ethereal city on the bottom of Lake Titicaca. World communities part of this world net of seekers believe to have evidence that the lake Titicaca’s portal was reactivated in 1997 and has ever since been working along with the Golden Slar Disc to the benefit of the whole of community.

Let us close this chapter by bringing to the reader’s attention the whole of the seven entrances to Agartha as they appear in several different sources used by esoteric commnities thropughout the world: Mammoth Cave (Kentucky,USA), Manaus and Mato Grosso (Brazil), Iguassu Falls Argentina, Brazil), Monte Eporneo (Italy) and Pyramid of Giza (Egypt), King Solomon Mines and Dero Caves.

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