Wednesday, May 9, 2007


This blog and the Secret Y-Guassu book are dedicated to Adama, the High Priest of Telos — the spiritual leader in the sacred Lemurian city of Light called Telos beneath Mount Shasta, CA. He is the head of the Lemurian Council of Light in Telos.
Also an ambassador and diplomat for Galactic contacts with our Star Brothers and Sisters, on behalf of humanity within and on the surface of the globe.

Adama, along with his Lemurian team are also in charge of the creation and maintenance of a very important crystalline grid around this planet. He is working with many members of various galactic and interplanetary beings on this important project.

Adama is a blue ray ascended master of universal level, a master of Love and Compassion, assisting humanity and the planet with the ascension project. Telos has now become the main headquarters for ascension on this planet, and Adama is one of the main leaders, along with the planetary Christ, Lord Maitreya, Lord Sananda, Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, and so many others.

Adama embodies the “Heart of Lemuria” which is nothing less than the heart of love and compassion and the heart of the Divine Mother, the return of the Christ consciousness on this planet with all its wondrous magnificence.

Adama’s time to be known and heard on the surface of this planet has now come. His spiritual presence among us, and the spiritual presence of our former Lemurian family is a great blessing for us all and for the planet. Let’s open our hearts to Adama and to the members of our Lemurian family who are assisting us in our evolutionary pathway, waiting to reconnect with us in a more physical manner in the years to come.


I have taken this text from Aurelia Louise Jones' site. For French information click here. Adama's image was painted by Glenda Green. As for myself, I feel inspired by Adama to carry on with the work of bringing Iguassu Falls back to its important role of being a great Light Corner of the Universe. If anyone has any way to help through this project I'd love to hear from you.

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